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    • CommentAuthorlouislingg
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013

    le 31 août 2013
    88, rue de Ménilmontant 75020

    The ultimate post holiday happy happy punk show with:

    Louis Lingg and the Bombs - You know us, you love us. We are unstoppable.

    We Outspoken - Massive concert with a great Canadian poppunk band that have played shows with all the big guys like Pennywise etc. Toured with the Ataris. You get the idea! Awesome!

    Toybloïd - Famous french band who have played stadiums and stuff like that. Their fans are like rabid animals!

    Dead Boobs - All their songs are pretty excellent. They hide their genius well though.

    Baffes ou Torgnoles - New boys on the punk rock'n'roll block!

    Prix Libre!

    Ordre de passage:
    19h00 - 19h30 Dead Boobs
    19h40 - 20h10 Baffes ou Torgnoles
    20h25 - 21h05 Louis Lingg and the Bombs
    21h20 - 22h05 We Outspoken
    22h20 - 23h00 ToyBloïd

    Des news. Nique la police! Vive l'anarchie. Malgré les menaces, on assure le concert a la Miroiterie. On pense que les flics vont rien faire avant Septembre....

    Bref. Le concert vas etre enorme!!! La Miroiterie est incroyable!!!:grapp04.gif: