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Une discussion au hasard !

TV Incongrue

Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2014

    C'est pas hyper incongru, mais c'est tout léger et ensoleillé, ça fait du bien par où ça passe.
    Et puis le téléchargement est gratos (existe aussi en tout dur non gratuit). Sympa quoi.

    French Exit is TV Girl's debut album. Depending on how you look at it. 12 songs about lost lust, too much love and not enough. For full credits, consult the liner notes at the end of the PDF that comes with the download.

    Features the alternate-world hit single "Birds Dont Sing"

    We have a king's ransom of free download credits. About 10,000. We'll keep it free until those run out. If you feel inclined to support the band financially. Why not buy a vinyl or a t-shirt? You have to wear t-shirts anyways.
