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Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2016

    Yes, for $2 for the first minute and 45 cents for each additional minute, the man of your dreams would share his favorite “deadtime stories” with anyone brave enough to dial 1-900-909-FRED. What a perfect way to reach out and kill someone. Thankfully, Dwayne Cathey (composer of GLOW: The Story Of The Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling) uploaded 45 minutes of Freddy stories, fresh from his boiler room to you. The stories on the Soundcloud account are basically two-minute campfire tales that wouldn’t feel out of place in Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark. The recordings feature mostly unknown voice-over artists, but this writer is pretty sure he heard “movie voice-over guy” Don LaFontaine on a few of them. Much like the syndicated Freddy’s Nightmares, Freddy doesn’t necessarily appear in the Springwood stores, but rather provides the intro and outro for the terrifying tales, providing some signature puns, and reminding listeners to stick around to hear the beginning of the story if they missed it... for an additional 45 cents.
