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    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2016 edited

    Super bien tip top :

    John Lennon - When In Doubt... (studio talk / Phil Spector r u there ?

    Seeselberg - Eintrachtkreis - Paranoia

    Ramleh - Valediction IV

    The Simon Park Orchestra - Dawn To Dusk

    Sissy Spacek - Pink

    Gastric Female Reflex - Id M Theft Able - no title

    Monte Cazazza - Mary Bell

    Gastric Female Reflex - Id M Theft Able - no title (un autre hein)

    Moondog - Moondog Monologue

    Roberto Gerhard - Audiomobiles I Sculpture (1959-1967)

    Untitled - Untitled (je ne sais plus ... ? à vérifier / compléter / sorry ...)

    Paul Turner - Panels V

    Ducktails - The Razor's Edge

    Bizzio,Frizzi, Tempera - Nucleo Antirapina (Beretta 70: Themes from Italian Police Films)

    Pekka Airaksinen - Buddahs of Golden Light

    Walker Brothers - Make It Easy On Yourself

    Jean-Claude Risset - Pacific Tubular Waves

    Blood Stereo - Hackit

    Kayaka - Operation Deep Freeze

    Picky Picnic - Got Out Lullaby

    Silver Apples - Dust

    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2016

    Hop j'ai rajouté la playlist