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    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2018

    Bientôt disponible à la Rue des Gardes

    TTT23 /// Raymonde_Un Quart Portugal by Raymonde, released 03 October 2017

    1. Caldas Da Rainha
    2. A
    3. B
    4. C
    5. D

    "un quart portugal" is a reflection about the remaining tribal influence on our western society. Through samplers, 4 tracks magnetic tapes, singings of endothermic vertebrates and pumping compression, Raymonde takes us back to forgotten instincts, back to our primate state, to our diverse nature as an individual being. It is a shamanic experience, a voyage through the 5th dimension, a rediscovery of our inner consciousness.

    Bandcamp under construction, please go on our website to see all the releases and order the tapes !