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  1.  permalink

    Le téléchargement est depuis considéré comme un droit à la copie privée, comme prévu dans l’article 31 de la propriété intellectuelle. En échange, les espagnols payent une taxe sur un ensemble de supports (CD, DVD, téléphones portables, etc.).

    la suite..

    • CommentAuthorjefrotul
    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2009

    Yes I know. Pay Pay Pay

  2.  permalink

    He he everybod see it from his home point of view !

    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2009

    hehe, Eli, what Superpromotion means is that the situation is perfect in spain ;) In France, we also pay the same tax on raw CDs or Hard drives, but there's a new law that will launch the downloader hunt. In Spain, they are leaved quiet by the courts!

    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2009

    Ah, yes, I understand better now, thans Yan.
    But anyway they are trying it, like in France, and the pressure and influence of Sgae (spanish Sacem) is so strong that I would not be surprised if they becomes a political party for to be President of the state, once so, they will establish "The Modern Inquisition", with "droit du seigneur" and a law of taxes to charge for the air that we breathe (without it, we might not live, without living we might not practise piracy, without I practise piracy they do not earn even more money) Is sick! There's a lot of anecdotas and data about theyr "way to do".

    I was in a comference from this people and was quite interesting in a lot of ways.

    Example: If my tinny label publish 500 records, I've to pay taxes for the artist rights for EACH RECOD MADE, and if a huge enterprise who publish Madonna, shoot 2.000.000 copies, they have to pay for RECORD SELLED.
    If madonna sell 0 records, tax free.
    If I sell 0 records 500 records tax payed (they must to think we are not going to sell a only record)

    Example 2: If a record factory sponsor you and gift 10.000 record copies for add free as promo into magazines, you can't accept this nice gift, although you'll not sell it.
    Or simply some promo copies, or even CDR promo copies for your cousins!

    So we never (or almost never) can use the factories offers for 1000 or more, thing that could make easier the promo and distribution and a more competitive price, becasue can't pay the authors rights.
    (I am not positioning myself in favour or agaisnt the author's rights, but the system helps the big producers and fuck or don't support the tiny ones, between a lot of details too long for add here now)

    I've several projects and often appears this kind of problem. Sorry, in fact this wasn't the theme! Eh Yan?