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TV Incongrue

Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2023 edited

    P'tit tricks intéressant, à voir si c'est juste du flan pour amuser la galerie ou si ça peut réellement s'appliquer...

    "We’ve created an application to generate by brute force all mathematically possible melodies and write them to MIDI files. The application accepts various parameters (e.g., pitch, rhythm, length) to mathematically exhaust all melodies that have ever been — and are mathematically possible.

    When our MIDI files were written to disk, they were copyrighted automatically. We then dedicated all newly created files (to which we have legal rights) to the Creative Commons Zero (CC0).

    As such, this project may leave many (or perhaps all) melodies open for other songwriters to use without fear of being sued.

    A diatonic scale has only seven pitches, and every melody ever created must work within that seven-note constraint. So the universe of possible melodies forms a grid. That grid is mathematical. It has existed since the beginning of time. And each time a songwriter writes a melody, that songwriter is merely plucking that already-existing melody from the already-existing melodic grid."

    • CommentTimeDec 14th 2023

    ah ben j'allais le poster !