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TV Incongrue

Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2006


    • CommentAuthorJohan
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2006

    Really Nice !
    Enjoy :)

    • CommentAuthorJohan
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2007

    Yo La Olla Epxress.

    For information this morning I receive the 1st cd ...
    So what i do ?
    Now i have 2 motorcombo/puyo :D

    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2007

    J'en veux bien!
    Je l'ai pas encore acheté donc boz on peut s'arranger pour que tu me joigne ça aux cd's de goto80 ;)
    Du coup je file des tunes à qui? Eli ou Bozoo?

    Eli! I didn't buy it for now, so I could take this one :)
    But now I don't know wich person I've got to give money to...

    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2007

    Fuck! It arrives! And Valkiri wants it! Beatiful!. Happy end! Bozzo. You´re one of our french distributors!

    I´m very happy to all this.

    Valkiri, I´ll write you. Kisses!

    Bozoo. You´re very kind! By the way. My friend just come back from Paris, and he couldn´t go to Bimbo Tower to buy you´re records Goto80 and Computer Truck. Then how I do for to buy?

    Receive a big hug from me. See you later!


    • CommentAuthorJohan
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2007

    Hhi so i'll be send the cd at valkiri :D

    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2007

    Yes, thanks!

    Valkiriiiii!! I can´t find your email! Write me please.

    See you later.

    • CommentAuthorJohan
    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2007

    If you read the contact page on Ouïedire.
    They have the mail of Valkiri ;)

    Valkiri valkiri [at] lavache [dotnospamdotnospamdotnospam] com

    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2007

    Eli !

    Te he enviado un messaje por myspace ;)

    • CommentTimeJan 9th 2007

    Eheh, yes, I want to do it too. You have one from me.

    Qué bien, no? Todos estamos sincronizados a la perfección.


    • CommentAuthorjefrotul
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2007

    Very good release!

  1.  permalink

    Thanks a lot guest ! Who are you ?

  2.  permalink

    Le clip de Madame H vient dêtre censuré par Youtube ! Quels bandes de branques pudibonds à la con.

    On peut toujours le voir sur Daylimotion

    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2009

    Putain, ils abusent! Pourquoi ça? Ils ont donné une raison? c'est quand même pas à cause des petits dessins de bites? Il y a des tas de trucs super choquant sur youtube (comme les vidéos de happy slapping et les trucs puants dérivés) et ils censurent cette vidéo?!!!! BORDEL JE LES HAIS!

  3.  permalink

    Tant qu'on ne voit pas de bite dessinée, ça va. Ouais ils sont vraiment trop cons.

    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2009


    Certain delicate spirit beings or "censor committee" of youtube are happier now that they can not compare a cartoon cock dancer with theyr boring own, that torment them every time they find it when looking at his feet.

    After deleting the video, I received this nice letter that invites me to be good or they'll close the channel:


    The following videos from your account have been disabled due to a violation of the Rules of the YouTube community:
    MADAME H - Puyo Puyo - (laollaexpress)
    Most of the nudes are not allowed on YouTube, especially if you are in a sexual context. Usually not considered acceptable YouTube videos aimed at sexual provocation. Exceptions apply to some videos of an educational, or scientific documentary, but this kind of videos are acceptable only if its sole purpose is disclosed, documentary or scientific and explicit images are not free.
    Your account has received a warning for the Community Standards, which will disappear after six months. Any additional violation may result in temporarily disabling your ability to post content on YouTube or the cancellation of your account.
    Date received: September 08 of 2009

    Yes this is a shit. There are those who prefer to clean their dirty "lens of increase" blurring the others one... by its good.

    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2009

    Correction "minds of increase"

    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2010 edited

    By the way. If you want, still we have some of this records as well!

    (only empty warehouses)

    Is that I think. And less Puyo Puyo one.

  4.  permalink

    I take the opportunity to ask a question about Madame H.

    Puyo Puyo, Since your video has been removed from youtube for sexual content.
    -Are you affiliated to Madame H the Drag Queen?
    -Is it Madame Heidy?
    -Who is Madame H?

  5.  permalink

    Yes actually Madame h is a sort of Drag Queen and she sings on the track !