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TV Incongrue

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  1.  permalink

    :pin-skull1.jpg: :pin-rabbin.gif: :pin-crotal.gif:

    Playlist surprise

    0:00:00 / COBRA FOUTRE INTRO

    0:00:12 / The Droids - The Force

    0:03:49 / Silicon Teens - Sunflight

    0:07:58 / Die Gesunden - Die Gesunden Kommen

    0:11:29 / Berlin Express (Conrad Schnitzler) - The 4:08 to Paris

    0:15:25 / Dopplereffekt - Scientist

    0:19:30 / YMO - Technopolis

    0:23:36 / Sizike - Cudni ples

    0:25:58 / Terminus B - Robot Dynastie

    0:30:17 / Front - Polaroid

    0:33:19 / Das Ding - Reassurance Ritual

    0:37:02 / Einstürzende Neubauten - Yu-Gung (Futter mein Ego)

    0:44:05 / Deux - Sex and Trouble

    0:48:17 / __TENSE__ - Sin Realite

    0:52:28 / Borghesia - On

    0:56:58 / A split second - Flesh new beat

    1:01:27 / Death In June - The Calling

    1:06:19 / Leaether Strip - Torment me!

    1:11:34 / Voltage Control - Apocalypse

    1:14:45 / Tangerine Dream - speed

    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011
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  3.  permalink

    hey mais y'a un bug dans notre liste non ? on en est a combien ? > :pin-cold.gif:

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    Bah euuuhh... uploadés sur le ftp, pas moins de 28.

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    En 3 mois... Chapeau !

    Je décoooooooonne

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