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    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2015

    Et paf!

    Vendu avec un zine qui a l'air très beau :

    Welcome to 'Say Yah Yah Yes', part zine, part beats, this is a glimpse inside the tripped out brain of SBH's DJ Die Soon. The album's 11 tracks lead the listener in a hypnotic trajectory of whirring melodies, unnerving crossrhythms and weirdcore interludes. It's like a trip through a haunted house on acid. Reality melts and fades, colours pop, and you know it's gonna end but you just don't want it to.

    Released with a 24-page zine of original artwork, 'Say Yah Yah Yes' provides the soundtrack to a tale of weirdness and woe.

    Available as a digital download, or with limited edition zine in the SBH shop