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Deathbomb Arc
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Sci-fi fantasy in its most decadent technicolor forms fuels the journey of OMNII, Blevin Blectum's latest solo adventure. The soundtrack to a lost space opera to fit perfectly in the gaps between Barbarella, The Beast in Space, and Planet of the Vampires.
Blevin Blectum is half of the duo Blectum From Blechdom, who recently returned from deep space hibernation with their album 'Deep Bone', also on Deathbomb Arc
released July 28, 2023all sounds composed/produced blevin blectum / bevin kelley
blevinblectum.bandcamp.commastered by thomas dimuzio gench.com
videos by alexander dupuis alexanderdupuis.com
artwork by ryan junell junell.netblevinblectum.com
point arena CA USA
all rights reserved
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