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Breakcore, speedcore, gabber punk, noiserap, plunderphonics, and other words people need to make sense of something like this. Created 2021-23, "Re-escalation Training" is the companion collection to earlier 2023's mixtape "Auditions for Patron Saint ov Cop Suicide" which largely consisted of remixes oddly released prior to their original versions. Both were been mastered by Staz of Alien State [email protected] These together comprise the 2nd body of work from THX1312. Yall know who the fuck this is, just look up Realicide and say what up.
A lot has happened even just during preparation for the album's unveiling this fall. Derek Chauvin got shanked in prison, I hear Kyle Rittenhouse is in financial trouble, Alec Empire proclaimed his allegiance to the state of Israel (again) while the death toll in Gaza approaches 18K, etc. It's a very very mad world indeed, and I'm not exactly sure where this music fits in at the moment. But righteous hostility and reckless abandon always need their soundtracks.
As for the content of these trax, a few shout-outs and mentions feel in order. I want yall to go listen to "Problem Solver" by Overcast (Mark N) which was sort of a starting point for my take on shaking up the same Dre & Cube classic. Track 3 samples an early 90's rap group called Convicted Felons. Track 7 is from a Cincinnati city council hearing during summer 2020 where David Mann just up and walked out, sparking some memorable activity out on the street of the Duke Energy building. "Gabber Assassin" is all North Memphis Playa Click. Oh yeah among a grip of other stuff that intro track does have Bart saying "Cincinnati" from when we finally got on The Simpsons ...there's no end to these sample sources. Shout-out to my dawg Bomb20, check out his comeback record "Gods" and R.I.P. Freak 1, go listen to problemchild23.bandcamp.com Thanx DBA for droppin a 4th tape. Thanx eternally Soulseek, illegal mp3's saved my life slsknet.org
Fuck the IOF and any state-sanctioned gangs with license to massacre unarmed civilians. Go watch recent interviews of Leila Khaled, and don't stop advocating for the deoccupation of Palestine. Big ups to all Jewish communities worldwide who know that a people and their religion are NOT inherently bound to any state government. Any circumstance of genocide is an abhorrent disgrace to all humanity that echoes on for generations. We fucking know that already, we all know it's wrong, and it needs to end by any means necessary. I realize this isn't a topic within the album, but it's what is happening during its release, and I can't think of a better contemporary example of ACAB.
released December 10, 2023Yall know who the fuck this iz. Contact: [email protected]
Trax made 2021 thru 23, mastered by Staz (repeat offender)
Illegal mp3's saved my life, thanx Soulseek: www.slsknet.org
Tape dropped by DBA: deathbombarc.com #STOPCOPCITY
THX1312 online just search REALICIDE you'll find that noize.ACAB defo includes the sociopathic Israeli "Defense" Forces
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