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    • CommentTimeNov 8th 2024

    Of One is the latest vehicle of Dublin's Alan O'Boyle, who's been prominent in electronic music since the '90s with Decal, and more recently with Legion of Two (with David Lacey) and Legion Of One. His work in various guises has appeared on labels such as Planet Mu, Rotters Golf Club, D1 Recordings, Leaf, Law & Auder and Saberettes.

    "Of One came from a comment by David Lacey in the Legion Of Two days that I should record an album of the bits between songs from the live sets. In order to segue from one track to the next we'd fill the space with beatless noise from effects feedback and distortion as the next track was set up. If something particularly interesting happened it'd be extended into its own thing. David's comment stuck with me but it was a long time until I decided to follow it through and Of One started in that fashion.

    Domains is all about setting up these same complex feedback loops using distortions and effects and then breaking them with sound to create a kind of elastic push and pull of music and noise.
    In looking for something to make it all gel I was thinking about what my favourite sound in electronic music is. On reflection it turned out to be the 808 kick drum. There is nothing else close for me. From hip-hop to electro and jungle, electronica and any techno that was brave enough to use it, that sound is one I've loved and used since the first Decal album. It's used as the bass sound on every track on Domains. A perfect sound to distort and break those squealing feedback loops."
    released June 25, 2024

    Written, produced & recorded by Alan O'Boyle in January & February 2024.

    Artwork by Barry M
