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    • CommentAuthorEli Gras
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2008 edited

    Em, this is a silly thing, but I love it. I hope you'll understand some of the objects explanations. Are so useless as the objects.



    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2008

    that's funny. Most of them seems to come from a book of drawings i had when i was a kid, called "catalog of impossible objects".

    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2008 edited

    Posted By: yan[p]that's funny. Most of them seems to come from a book of drawings i had when i was a kid, called "catalog of impossible objects".[/p]

    one of my favorite books ! it's been recently reedited by "Les Éditions du Cherche Midi" :

    the objects in eli's link were built by carelman, and he used to show them in museums :)

  1.  permalink

    I saw them for real in an exhibition when I was a kid, and we have the 70's book !

      CommentAuthorEat Rabbit
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2008

    I've lost a book with plenty of silly 80's japanese inventions like this one:

    They were not bad also (and still :))

    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2008

    yeah i've got the two books that you are talking about, eat rabbit ! the pictures are coming from "101 unuselessjapanese inventions" and its second issue called "99 more unuseless japanese inventions". In japanese, this kinda stupid stuff (it's not pejorative because I love that) is called CHINDOGU.


    • CommentAuthorEli Gras
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2008

    Jaja! Good inventions! I didn't knew this was so classic before.
    I'm going to talk about this inventor in my small radio section and wanted to show you. I amuse with that.

    Is interesting you talks abut this books. I'll have a look to this titles in internet.

    This superpanoramic picture is a bit unconfortable to watch, but the toilet paper is just perfect.
    Thanks a lot!