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Zap! | Plein écran



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    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2015

    Pas écouté, mais je suis intimement persuadé que ça vaut le coup :

    1.29 - Zarkoff - Just People (HR - exclusive - unreleased) @zarkoff
    5.16 - Neud - One Nite Toulouse (HR/US - exclusive - from the upcoming digital compilation - The Scrap Mag) @neudphoto
    10.23 - Mode in Gliany - Du Rêve Et Du Fantastique (FR - exclusive - unreleased) @mode-in-gliany
    14.27 - Cellule 34 - Born Again (FR - exclusive - from the upcoming CD/Tape - Spielzeug Muzak) @cellule-34
    17.48 - Excuses - Living In The Modern World (US - exclusive - unreleased) @excusesmusic
    22.08 - KéPESLAP - Day By Day (SK/FR - exclusive - unreleased) @falco-invernale-records
    25.55 - Norma - Ніщо (Nothing) (UA - exclusive - from the upcoming album) @norma-group
    30.31 - Hartzine selection - Tobias Bernstrup - Moments Lost (SE - exclusive - from the upcoming "Romanticism" LP/12" - Gooiland Elektro / Enfant Terrible) @enfantterriblenl
    37.11 - Wool-E’s choice - Unidentified Man - Defaced Places (BE - exclusive - unreleased) @unidentified-man
    41.13 - Wool-E’s choice - Whispering Sons - Midlife (BE - from the upcoming tape - Wool-E Tapes) @whisperingsons
    45.59 - PASTFUTURES - Waiting (GR/CA - exclusive - from the upcoming tape - Infravox Records) @thepastfutures
    50.55 - Marble Slave - Inadequate (FR - exclusive - unreleased) @marbleslave
    55.11 - Hartzine selection - Momentform - Les Masques Noirs (FR - exclusive - unreleased) @momentform