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Vanilla 1.3.0 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
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Name: Christina Ling
Alias: suade (@whoissuade)
Pronouns: she/they
Location: San Francisco, CAName: Christina Ling
Alias: suade (@whoissuade)
Pronouns: she/they
Location: San Francisco, CAInfluences: 2014-2017 bunker raves in Hong Kong, my dad’s trance/euro/new age CDs from the 90s-00s, the original turntable.fm, this wave of Asian artists breaking new ground in electronic music (Howie Lee, Ciel, Yu Su, Sam Goku, Closet Yi, etc…), Total Science Vol. 2, community radio, rhythmic surprises, the internet
Affiliations/Residencies/Projects: HydeFM radio (@hydefm) ~ Club Moniker (@clubmoniker) in SF
Advice for the DJs, producers and artists of our community:
✧ Let others inspire you, but compare yourself to no one.
✧ The more hours you put in, the more you’ll improve.
✧ Community is so so important; finding your people, celebrating your growth together, holding space for each other.
✧ Remember to rest and take care of yourself amid all the parties and promo and life spent on social media…slowing down is good for your spirit :-)With this mix suade asks to please learn more about and consider donating to:
❁ Asian Mental Health Collective: (www.asianmhc.org)
❁ Iranian Diaspora Collective and their ongoing initiatives for women in Iran: (www.gofundme.com/f/freeirancallformedia)
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